Internet Seders?
The question about an internet seder has been asked. 1. I attach an article from the the Times of Israel 2. I attach a Teshuvah from...

Updates, Siyyum Bechorim, and Words from the Prophets
Good afternoon, At least two people from Traditional have read my emails, because they correctly corrected me -- the progression was not...

Shabbat Shalom -- Some positive, at least, amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic
Good morning & Shabbat Shalom, A. News: As I write, total cases on the planet now exceed a half-million. US: total reported...

Coronavirus March 25, 2020: Perspective
Shalom, A. News: As I write, US deaths from coronavirus: 809; total reported cases: 55,568 In Israel there are now 2,170 reported...

Shabbat Shalom: Updates, What we can do, Shabbat, and Psalms
As we ready for Shabbat, our first without services, I wish you a Shabbat Shalom. A. The News: As of this writing the the number of...

Torah Guidance As We Face the Coronavirus Challenges
Good Morning, A. First, as we have previously stated, if you need my assistance, please let me know. I have already begun phoning...