Lifelong Learning
Committed to learning and open inquiry, education is prized at Traditional Congregation.
Take your pick from a variety of classes taught during the week--mornings, afternoons and evenings--for people of all ages. We welcome anyone committed to Jewish learning, and classes are open to everyone in the community.
Special educational events are held nearly every month at Traditional Congregation and include an annual Scholar-In-Residence Shabbat, Shabbat “tishes” on special topics, Sunday morning “Knosh n’ Knowledge” breakfast programs, and more. We are actively pro-Zionist and host an annual Israel Bonds Program (the only one in the state of Missouri). Rabbi Seth Gordon also teaches extensively in the greater St. Louis community.
Beyond our ongoing activities, Traditional Congregation creates special holiday programming for Sukkot, Tu B’Shevat, Purim, Pesach, Shavuot, and more. Youth programs are held on Shabbat and we hold periodic youth Shabbatot with all services, Torah reading, and divrei Torah led exclusively by our youth. We have a Teen Lounge where our teens can get together to play games, watch movies, or just hang out with other Jewish kids. And, our B’nai Mitzvah have the opportunity to lead services and read Torah and to actively participate as they grow.
Jewish Thought about Good & Evil -- Mondays, 9:00-10:15 AM
Jewish thought is different than philosophy. Both employ systematic thinking, but the foundation of philosophy is open inquiry by reason; the foundation of Jewish thought is the Torah. We will begin historically -- first the Torah itself, then the rest of the TaNaCH, then Rabbinic thinking, then Medieval Jewish thinking, including Kabbalah, then Modern thinking, some which is not Torah based.
We will explore:
1. What is good and what is evil?
2. Suffering, especially good people, and the prosperity of the wicked.
3. Where does suffering and evil come from?
4. Theodicy -- Defending God despite suffering and evil.
5. What is the human role in suffering and evil?
Register here for Jewish Thought
Parashat Ha-Shavu'a -- The weekly haftorah reading Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM
Each week we will look at the weekly Parashah from both the traditional rabbinic and often midrashic points of view as well as from the point of view of modern historians. Although we would love you to join us for all classes, as classes are formed through sharing, you can join the lesson for that week's reading. Recommended: the New JPS translation, but feel free to use any translation.
Register here for Parashat Ha'Shavu'a
Mitzvah 613 - Thursdays,11:30 AM - 12:30 PM.
Bring your lunch!
More than a "good deed," as it is popularly known, mitzvah in a deeper and truer sense means, literally, command. I will provide the teachings from Sefer ha-Chinuch (likely 13th C; Barcelona; anonymous). This work numbers the mitzvot as they appear in the Torah, adding rabbinic teachings and the author's own insights. Recommended: Have a translation of the Torah with you.
Kabbalat Shabbat - Fridays, time varies
Abbreviated services (including L'cha Dodi; though not Shabbat evening services) and the singing of a few Zemirot. Benefits include -- spiritual ones as we enter Shabbat, congregational togetherness before Shabbat, and learning about something that we will sing.
Register here for Kabbalat Shabbat
Registration is required for the first class in any topic you wish to participate in. If you have any questions, contact Marian at