Covid-19 Pandemic -- Extraordinary News from Israel
‘Spread of COVID-19 halted’: 80% of Israel has had no new cases for days — TV Sent by a congregant: An Arab doctor and an ultra-Orthodox...

Israel, A Zoom Kabballat Shabbat, Class Reminder, & Last Week's Parashah
1. Israel -- Today is Yom ha-Zikaron -- Israel's Memorial Day for its fallen soldiers -- sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, sisters...

Interesting News Items, A Personal Reflection and Jeremiah (the prophet, not the bullfrog)
1. Tonight begins Rosh Chodesh Iyar, the month Israel officially became a modern state -- 5 Iyar 1948. Rosh Chodesh begins tonight, for...

Yom ha-Sho'ah, more figures with personal reflections, a teaching from the Talmud
Good morning, A. Today we observe Yom ha-Sho'ah -- Holocaust Memorial Day. Today is also the 12th day of the Omer. Unfortunately, due...

Pesach eve during Coronavirus 2020 -- with 2 artistic videos to enjoy
I send you four sections, on Pesach eve -- (a) News, (b) Rate Figures, (c) Seder, and (d) Creative Videos A. News -- Although apparently...

2-3 Weeks into Physical Distancing from Covid-19; Prayer & Pesach, and more
Good afternoon, Shabbat Shalom, and chag Kasher v-sam'ech, A. As we are now into weeks of physical distancing due to Covid-19, and as...

Internet Seders?
The question about an internet seder has been asked. 1. I attach an article from the the Times of Israel 2. I attach a Teshuvah from...

Updates, Siyyum Bechorim, and Words from the Prophets
Good afternoon, At least two people from Traditional have read my emails, because they correctly corrected me -- the progression was not...

Shabbat Shalom -- Some positive, at least, amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic
Good morning & Shabbat Shalom, A. News: As I write, total cases on the planet now exceed a half-million. US: total reported...

Coronavirus March 25, 2020: Perspective
Shalom, A. News: As I write, US deaths from coronavirus: 809; total reported cases: 55,568 In Israel there are now 2,170 reported...